Start a Business or Run a YouTube Channel?

. 7 min read
Start a Business or Run a YouTube Channel?

What Should You Choose?

In today’s world, the rapid advent of technology, especially the internet, has sparked a revolution. It has made everyone far more interested in discussions and content over the web. It has exponentially increased the inter-connectedness among us. And why would it not? Technology is everywhere around us, and imagining a life without mobiles and computers seems to become a tale of the past.

When major businesses seem to stagnate and fail, content creators, streamers, and influencers on various online platforms keep earning the higher dollars. It is because we have become far too engaged with consuming content online than looking up and admiring the nature around us. There are several YouTube channel ideas for beginners that even brands and small businesses can benefit from. In this regard, having a clear vision of YouTube video ideas for beginners is a necessary stepping stone for your business endeavour.

Hence, at a time like this, where admiring nature is dystopic, questioning your intent to start a YouTube channel against a business is quite a genuine one. So, if you’ve ever pondered upon creating your own YouTube channel but you are also interested in business, primarily because you want a sustainable source of income, in the long run, you must consider the following ideas before embarking on either journey.

1. New Business Ideas and YouTube Channel Ideas can Mirror each other:

There is no set rule that a business owner cannot become a YouTuber. In reality, it is quite the opposite. The content creators on YouTube use the platform for marketing themselves and their brand. Few of the creators even tie up contracts with international companies and collaborate to increase their outreach. Such growth as a creator requires dedicated effort for a long time. And, you must excel in more than one field.

For instance, if you are an artist and want to start a small art business, you can merely start a business with an address or straight from your home with little effort. However, to start a YouTube channel, you will also need to be great at communicating through the camera and learn how to edit your videos, to begin with. You may also have to learn the technicalities associated with marketing the videos across multiple domains.

2. YouTube can help grow your Business Worldwide:

If you already have a business venture in mind that you want to build and grow, Youtube is one of the premier platforms for you to market your brand to get global recognition. Youtube is one of the most used search engines and the third highest in terms of daily traffic. Youtube videos are viewed in multiple languages over a billion times a day. This makes Youtube one of the best platforms to reach a worldwide audience interested in your business or the content you create. Youtube videos are a great way to attract international traffic to your website as well. And, it almost always results in higher web traffic and generates new leads. It also helps engage and create sustainable ties with the audience and your customers alike.

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3. Youtube Video Creation is just as Tough as Running a Business:

Creating Youtube videos may seem like an easy task, but there are many different creative processes involved. Hence, if you are not well-versed in the background technicalities alongside being good at your work, making Youtube videos challenging. You may have to work the camera, edit the video footage, compile a storyboard, plan and schedule the posts, take care of the marketing campaigns all at once. Multiple skills are required to make your Youtube channel successful from the very onset. However, with due time and diligence, this can prove to be quite fruitful. You will be able to hire your own staff and management to run the channel like a business in itself. Just as you need so many different traits to run a successful Youtube channel, you need excellent communication, organisation skills, and the ability to deliver on time when running a business. It is essential to know and weigh these options before setting out on the journey towards either end. Your small business ideas can all be a Youtube video if you see them from that lens.

4. Running a Business requires Paperwork, but Youtube channels do not:

If you plan to start a business, you will need to do a few run-around tasks. These tasks include getting your business registered under the State Government, getting a GST registration, trademarks for all business essentials and perhaps, even an ISO certification to increase your legitimacy of operations. However, when you start a Youtube channel, there is not much leg work you have to do. You can directly create your own Gmail account and link it to Youtube. Then, you can upload your video content on the platform in simple steps. You can also select your thumbnail and the keywords associated with the video and channel at large. A Youtube content creator’s credibility stems from his or her loyal fan base and is judged in terms of the number of active subscribers, engagements, likes and comments on a post, etc. Although this might seem relatively easier, it is just as hectic to compel your viewers to engage sitting behind a screen as it is to do on a peer-to-peer level. For any inspiration on Youtube channel ideas, there are hundreds of options available for you.

5. Earning from your Youtube Channel can take Time:

Starting a business can be frustrating and hectic. You may even feel less inspired with every passing day. Still, once the initial paperwork is done, you will just have to acquire loyal clients to work on your business portfolio and make your business profitable. As far as Youtube channel ideas are concerned, it requires a mandatory 4,000 watch hours to monetise the account using Google AdSense. Although it is a simple process to monetise your videos once you have met the requirements set forth by Youtube, it can be a tumultuous task to attain the necessary qualifications. This will take more time than starting your own business. But, once you put in the effort to make your Youtube channel sustainable, there are great returns in the end. Most of the best Youtube channels have all gone through this process of change, only after which can we see the creators earn millions.

Woman gamer putting headphone playing online space game on professional pc at home late night

6. Youtube Channels give you more Freedom than a Business:

Your Youtube channel is your own making. There is no one to answer to and no clients to deliver work on time. You merely have to post regular videos and teasers to keep your viewers active and engaged with every post. It offers excellent flexibility as you can work when you want to, where you want to, and how you want to. Your final result, the video, also depends entirely on you. However, it also involves a great deal of teamwork and work-delegation to avoid any form of miscommunication or micromanagement in a business. This has its issues with employee relations and industrial relations, shaping up how the business functions.

Also read:

1) How to Earn Money Online? Best Online Money Making Tips
2) What online business can I do to make money? Here are the top-6 ideas for you.
3) 3 Amazing Ways to Make Money Online in India
4) Best Ideas To Make Pocket Money For Students.

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Q. Is a Youtube Business Idea viable in the long run?

Ans. Yes, Youtube business ideas are quite viable in the long run. It requires a considerable amount of post-production and marketing for a Youtube channel to grow. However, once all the Youtube set criteria are met, the pay-per-view is adequate and sustainable in the long run as long as your channel keeps growing in terms of subscribers and engagements.

Q. How frequently should I upload videos on Youtube?

Ans. There is no brick wall demarcating how many videos you must upload on Youtube. If you’re a content creator, you can create one video a week and focus on the optimisation and marketing process. That is what gets the audience to engage and make a purchase.

Q. How can I earn from a Youtube channel?

Ans. You can earn quite easily from a Youtube channel. Although there are certain specific criteria that you have to meet, it is not a tough task. With regular usage for at least a year, it is possible to monetise your Youtube account via Google AdSense.

Q. How can I advertise on Youtube?

Ans. You can advertise on Youtube by setting up a free Google AdWords account. It is simple and allows you to categorise your audience and budget freely.

Q. Can Youtube help get more web traffic to a website?

Ans. Yes, Youtube is one of the highest-ranking platforms on Google and other search engines. Having multiple Youtube videos on your website containing original and quality content is beneficial to reach more consumers.