A carry bag is a small bag made of tough materials, comes with a handle and is used to carry small items or purchases in it. Just imagine how difficult our lives would be if carry bags were never invented. How could one possibly carry vegetables, groceries, or other purchases in their hands? Carry bags have made our lives much easier and comfortable.
It is believed that the first polythene carry bags were made in 1965. Before that, people used to carry goods in clothes or bags made out of used clothes. It is quite interesting to know that even on some ancient sculptures, archeologists have found carry bags like designs in sculpture hands.
From that ancient time to mid-1900 polythene bags, we have come a long way with a wide range of carrying bags available in the market made of different materials and patterns considering its purpose. Now, even advertising companies have found a way to advertise for a company or brand by printing a logo on its carry bags. Carry bags are made in various designs to attract viewers’ attention.
So, if you are looking to make a stylish carry bag for your company so that it could attract the attention of others and which could be made out of some eco-friendly materials, then, we have listed down some top carry bag manufacturers in India for you.
1. Caravan Paper Products
Caravan Paper Products have over 16 years of experience in the printing and packaging industry and has been a carry bag manufacturer in India for a long time.
The company offers its services to all kinds of customers, from small retailers to large multinational brands. They use modern technology like computer-aided software to provide the best suitable design for carry bags for your company/brand/shop.
The company has a good reputation for providing quality products. They claim to use high-quality raw materials and make sure the quality of the end product is good enough by making some post-process inspections.
The company offers the following products: designer carry bags, paper bags, designer gift boxes, parcel bags, shredded papers, pillow boxes, confectionery boxes, and more.

2. Arc Creations
The company was established in 2005 and provides a wide range of carry bags and other bags as per customer need and demand. Arc Creations is a professionally managed company, engaged in supplying and manufacturing a variety of carry bags. The company is also looking forward to increasing the production of eco-friendly reusable products. The company manufactures carry bags with a range of materials and designs.
Some products that the company offers are non-woven bags, saree covers, jute bags, rice bags, laundry bags, designer carry bags, laptop bags, and ladies’ handbags.
3. Apna Cloth Bags
Apna Cloth Bags is a carry bag manufacturer in Rajasthan which manufactures and supplies several kinds of carry bags for its customers. The company was established in 2017 by Mr. Rohit Khandelwal.
The company offers a wide range of carry bags: cloth bags, handbags, polypropylene bags, jute bags, simple canvas bags, non-woven bags, printed bags, and more.

4. Accuretta Composites
Accuretta Composites is one of the leading manufacturers and exporters of small carrying pouches made of different materials for different purposes. The company was established in 2012 and now the company has an annual turnover of 5-10 Crores.
The company is highly acknowledged for offering high-grade products for the diverse needs of its customers. The company offers high tear-resistant small carry bags for carrying lightweight products in small quantities.
The company offers products such as aluminum foil pouches, stand up pouches, retort pouches, packaging pouches, and other small carrying pouches as per customers’ needs and requirements.
Also read: Plastic Bag Manufacturers in India
5. Shree Neelkanth Corporation
Shree Neelkanth Corporation is a leading player in the carry bag industry and has a client base all around the nation. The company was established in 2013 with its office or manufacturing unit in Jaipur, Rajasthan. The company has developed a well-suited infrastructure for manufacturing carry bags of different types, which has boosted its growth.
Some of the products which the company offers are kraft paper bags, shop paper bags, square bottom shopping paper bags, printed shopping bags, V-bottom carry bags, twisted rope paper handles, and gusseted bags.
Also read: Cardboard Box Manufacturers in India
6. Royal Packaging
Royal packaging is a prominent company in the manufacturing of carry bags in India. The company was established in 2019 and has its office and manufacturing unit in Delhi. The company has gained recognition among its customers all around the nation by offering a wide range of products and custom-designed carry bags as per customers’ needs and demands.
Some of the products the company offers are printed loop handle carry bags, designer carry bags, non-woven bags, and printed D-cut bags.
Carry bags are used in almost all industries and by every person. Innovation in carry bags has come a long way to make carrying items for an individual more easy and comfortable. Carry bag manufacturers are coming up with new materials and designs to make the experience for end-users much better.
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Q. Is it legal for retailers to charge for carry bags?
Ans. Yes, as per central and state government laws any retailer can charge for plastic or any other carry bags without any company’s logo on it. However, if the carry bag has the company's logo then it is not right for the retailer to charge for that carry bag.
Q. What are the benefits of using eco-friendly reusable carry bags?
Ans. Eco-friendly carry bags can be made from materials like jute, canvas, cotton, etc. Nowadays these bags can be designed very elegantly and as per one’s requirement. It is very beneficial for the environment to use eco-friendly carry bags, as other carry bags like plastic bags harm our environment.
As per a report, on an average, a person uses a minimum of 100 bags a year. If we use reusable bags, then this number can be reduced significantly.
Q. What are the different types of carry bags?
Ans. Mainly there are 5 types of carry bags–
- Plastic bags: These bags were widely used as they are available in different sizes and qualities for different purposes. However, nowadays, usage of plastic bags has being reduced for environmental reasons.
- Non-woven bags: These are widely used bags as they are available in different colors, patterns and can be reused over and over.
- Trade fair bags: These are the bags you get in fairs of a company and are a great way of advertisement as they will have the name and logo of the company.
- Paper bags: These bags are becoming more and more common in usage because of their availability and low cost.
- Premium bags: The costliest of them all, these are designer bags used to attract the attention of others.
Q. Why has the government banned plastic carry bags?
Ans. The government has banned plastic bags because they are a threat to the environment and lives on our planet. Plastic as a material takes years to decompose and till then it stays in the environment and pollutes it. Moreover, plastic bags have been the cause of death of many sea creatures.
Q. Are paper bags not harmful to the environment?
Ans. As compared to plastic bags, paper bags possess less threat to the environment as they are biodegradable. Paper bags can be decomposed more easily than plastic bags. However, there are still some drawbacks of using paper bags, as the paper used is obtained from trees.
Q. Can carry bags be made out of recycled materials?
Ans. Yes, many organisations are taking initiatives to innovate advanced technology to make use of recycled materials to make carry bags. One example of such an initiative is “tote bags”. These bags are made out of recycled materials, are available in many varieties, and can be used for various purposes.
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