How Long Does It Take A Small Business To Be Profitable?
- Small scale businesses are the only lucrative option left to many professionals who have either lost their jobs or want to switch their careers.
- Especially the post-pandemic era has witnessed many professionals join the bandwagon of entrepreneurship.
- According to a survey conducted by Statista and the Economic Times, Indian consumer markets will grow on a larger scale by mid of the 21st century.
- Opening up a venture or small scale business was never too difficult, but the most strenuous aspect of a business is maintaining it and growing it bigger.
- This article can help you understand some essential tips to stabilise the small business and grow it bigger and better with time.
- One must note that every tip or advice shall need constructive efforts and time to turn rewarding.
- Now let’s check out some dynamic yet easy set of strategies that shall shoot up your business from tiny to huge.
Nurture The Customer Base
- Every business, small or big, needs this to grow and build a loyal clientele.
- Whatever field of business you are into, interacting with clients and understanding their needs is a must.
- If you own a product selling firm, you must provide customers with the right product that would best suit their wants.
- Once you have closed the deal, you should concentrate on after-sale services as well.
- If you have ventured into the service industry, you must maintain a good rapport with the clients.
- This idea makes them feel friendly and satisfied as satisfied customers are the best brand ambassadors.
Establish An Emailing List
- It’s a tried and tested method for ages and works brilliantly too.
- But this means that your mailers or newsletters must have magnetic content to attract the customers and tempt them to subscribe to your mailers.
- You must establish a lead magnet and for which you would also need a sales to funnel.
Interacting With Customers
- Personalising business strategies can help you get closer to the customers.
- Noting their birthdays & anniversaries and sending wishes makes them feel connected.
- Wishing your clients on occasion of major festivals like Diwali, Eid, Christmas, New Year, etc. makes them happy.
- You can get in touch with customers through personalised emails or newsletters.
- Continuously being in contact is what shall keep your brand in their minds and lead to business growth.
Setting Up Your Website
- A small business can do without a website, was a saying that has turned wrong now.
- Post-pandemic the scenario has dynamically reinforced the need to have your business’ presence online.
- The basic requirement for doing this is setting up a good website.
- According to your nature of the business, you can choose the type of your website.
- Slowly, you can make it more dynamic and add payment gateways to scale up your venture.

Networking Works
- Spending quality time in building network reaps long term relations.
- What one knows isn’t that important in business, but whom you know makes a huge difference.
- Thus you must be attending workshops, conferences, training, etc. to build a strong network.
- The business quickly grows when your quality spreads through word of mouth.
Hosting A Few Events
- Once you have attended a few socio-cultural or educational events, automatically your network increases.
- Utilise this network for hosting your event.
- Conduct a get-together or an educational workshop.
- Earn the limelight through hosting a range of events.
- This could be monetarily beneficial too.
Build Strategic Partnerships
- Once your network is strong, building partnerships becomes easier.
- Tie-up with the right company can make a huge difference.
- This will allow you to reach a pool of customers quickly.
- Keep an eye over companies that are a bit bigger than your own, complement your work field, partner with them, and grow together.
- In this working style, you shall get good advice and also be able to learn a few experiences from your partners.
Franchising Your Model
- If your running business is successful, you can decide on growing it larger through franchising options.
- If you are looking for rapid growth, this idea could work for you.
- Although this feature works out well, it’s equally expensive and complicated.
- Thus one must study the market well before taking this decision.
Deploy Social Media On Duty
- Social media and its platforms are so much in demand nowadays that you can efficiently market your brand by deploying their features.
- A small venture can evolve and bloom up with the help of the right social media marketing.
- Setting up social media handles, regularly posting interactive content, and generating leads through them shall fetch you profitable growth.
- Paid promotions can be managed through social media handles by paying minimal charges.
- The target audience can be quickly brought over these platforms to enhance the business.
Research Your Competitors
- Any small or big business has numerous competitors in the market.
- One must study all those thoroughly to create a healthy outcome through competition.
- Very few sectors have a monopoly, so while working, one needs to review the market competition’s pros and cons to increase sales.
- One must study the ads related to your product that has been running for too long in the market.
- This shall scale up your business efficiently.
- If it’s working for your competitors, it will work wonders for you also.
Get Vocal For Local
- On your journey of enhancing your business, if you try and uplift the local vendors that support it becomes profitable for you.
- Helping others grow and indirectly foster the goodwill of your firm and increase your sales too.
- When you support the small vendors locally and purchase raw material or any other services from them, it motivates them to spread the good word about you.
- Thus turning vocal for local markets can be helpful for your business too.
Embrace New Opportunities
- Being open to change and continually working with dynamic turbulences makes you and your business stronger.
- You must analyse new opportunities in your business by studying the demographics.
- Learning about the distribution channels and also about the international markets can generate better options for you.
Broaden Your Offerings
- Diversifying what you offer shall increase your clientele base for sure.
- You need to brainstorm on what complementary products or services you can offer with your existing range.
- The growth of your business depends on this crucial factor.
- You can vouch on opportunities in your niche and cater to your clientele with an expanded product range or services.
- Try and focus on the pain points of the target audience.
- What else can you sell?
- What more can add value to your existing business?
- Answering these questions will lead you to broaden your venture.
Take-Over Other Businesses
- At times acquiring other smaller businesses can make you grow bigger quickly.
- If you can rectify certain ventures that complement your own, acquiring them would be a good option.
- You can take a look at your industry and find the best firm to merge with.
Crossing Borders
- If your venture is set in your country, it’s time to expand it globally.
- A product that is in demand in one country can be exported to others as well.
- Slight modifications are needed, and you can dive into international seas as well.
- The export duties and charges are high, but your sales shall reap your higher margins and profits for sure.
- Scaling up your business from a town or city to a national or international level can be tiring and expensive.
- But hard work, proper strategies, professional advice or training, perfect networking, and novel ideas can set a booster to your business.

The Takeaway
- One must always keep in mind that any and every business small or medium has the power to grow big.
- One must strategise every move with the utmost care to avoid pitfalls, as every business has numerous loopholes that turn into losses if unattended.
- Thus, an entrepreneur must study all the strategies in detail to flourish as a brand in the market and increase profits and sales.
- The only aspect that is vital in the process is persistence and diligence.
- If you imbibe these qualities in you, the world shall embrace your ideas and venture with open arms.
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