What Is The 10/10/10 Rule?
- In life, decision-making is inevitable.
- No matter how much you try to get away from it, you must make some decision or the other to get to that next stage in life.
- It is also easy to make the wrong ones, given that most of us let our emotions get in the way.
- If you think back, most of the wrong decisions you have made till now may have been because of greed, lust, anger, or anxiety.
- While you may want to rely on your emotions, know that they are momentary and last only as long as you experience them.
- Now, the question begs. How do we make the right choices?
- Let us try to understand. But before we do that, we ought to know what causes us to make decisions we regret later.
Factors That Influence Decision-Making
- As human beings, we make decisions at various stages in our lives.
- Many of these choices may be easier to make than some others.
- But why is that so? The answer is simple.
- Many factors influence the decision-making process and its outcomes.
Such factors include:
Past Experiences
- If a decision you made in the past resulted in a positive outcome, you would most likely make the same choices again.
- However, know that this does not always hold good.
- For example, financial decisions do not depend on past outcomes and depend mostly on the choices that you make now.
Cognitive Biases
- Most decisions we make depend on what we already know or what we believe is right, and most of the things we believe to be true come from our observations.
- So, you can say that our decisions relate the thinking patterns we form to our overall beliefs and observations.
- Now it so happens that most of these thinking patterns are cognitive biases, meaning that these are what we believe to be the truth, a memory, judgement errors, or flaws in our logic.
- When you rely heavily on these cognitive biases, such as the observations we make or neglect information that we perceive as a risk, we make the wrong choices.
Commitments And Outcomes
- Irrational commitments also influence the way we make decisions.
- When there is too much burden on you or when you cannot fulfil your obligations and commitments, you tend to make decisions that may later affect you adversely.
- Another aspect that can significantly affect the decision-making process is its outcomes.
- When you are motivated purely by a specific outcome and expect results accordingly, you may end up making the wrong decisions.

Differences On An Individual Level
- No two persons are alike.
- Each person thinks differently and so the decisions they make are also usually different.
- However, when you look at the decision-making process of different individuals, there are three things that you will commonly notice.
- The first one is the age of the decision-maker.
- People of different ages make decisions differently.
- For instance, a ten-year-old child may make decisions that differ greatly from an adult, say a 30-year-old.
- Similarly, the socioeconomic status of an individual is another crucial factor in decision-making.
- Others cannot decide anything on their own owing to a lack of proper education or resources or information.
- So, these are the four factors that influence how we make decisions.
- Whatever decisions you make, you must face the outcomes.
The 10-10-10 Rule
- While we must all make decisions at different points in our lives, those of you who find it hard to do so can use the 10-10-10 rule.
- The 10-10-10 rule helps you make decisions not influenced by experiences, age, commitments, outcomes, or even individual differences.
- So what is the 10-10-10 rule? It is a simple rule that answers the following questions.
- What will be my thoughts 10 minutes later about the decisions that I make now?
- What will they be ten months later? And what will they be ten years later?
- Most people look for short-term pleasures and assurances.
- For example, let’s say you look at something you like.
- Now, what if you could get it within the next ten minutes?
- How would you feel? You would feel great, wouldn’t you?
- What if you must wait for another ten months?
- Well, you wouldn’t feel as great, but at least you would have considered the prospect of saving money for something more worthwhile.
- What about ten years? While ten years seems like a long wait, it may still be worth it as you would not have to worry about instantly spending money to buy it without consciously thinking of saving for the future.
- Using the 10-10-10 rule, you would think ahead and assess the situation at hand and make better choices.
- While you could purchase the item you want within the next 10 minutes, and that would no doubt bring you some happiness, that happiness is short-lived.
- But if you could be a little smarter and think ahead, you would be happier in the long run.
Using the 10-10-10 Rule To Make Smarter Choices Personally And Professionally
- Now that you know what the 10-10-10 rule is and how you can use it to make smarter choices, you must make sure that you practice using it in the face of tough choices.
- The only way to get acquainted with using this rule is by applying it in every instance of your life where you must choose from among a wide range of things.
- You could even be using it to make those important business decisions.
- If you are running a business, such as a startup organisation that offers useful products or services, you could start by picturing that organisation and the relevance of its products or services 10 days from now.
- Once you visualise what your start-up organisation would look like 10 days from now, you could work towards achieving that vision.
- Similarly, you could also be doing the same on a larger scale, by visualising your organisation 10 months or even 10 years from now.
- And you could work towards achieving what you envisioned today.
- Then, 10 years later, you could look back and see if you have achieved what you thought you would by conscious foresight and forward thinking.
- So, this is how you can apply the 10-10-10 rule to your business or even your daily life.

The Change Must Come Now
- If you want to adapt yourself to the 10-10-10 rule, then you must practice it well as it does not come naturally.
- Once you get it, you will make smarter and quicker choices.
- When you use the 10-10-10 rule properly, you will learn to think differently and will be able to make sound decisions that you will not regret later.
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