What Does Subscribe Mean On Youtube?
'Like, share, comment on this video. Also, subscribe to my youtube channel, and don't forget to click on that bell icon to get regular updates on my new videos.' - Every YouTuber either begins or ends their video with this one request to the viewers. But how does getting subscribers help the YouTubers to scale up?
The video that gets more likes and comments gets identified by the YouTube algorithm as a high-quality video and subsequently gets featured in the list of recommended videos to new YouTube viewers. It helps to increase the views of a particular video and enhances the scope for better engagement.
Now coming to the subscriptions, it entirely aims at enhancing the chances for engagement. When a viewer subscribes to a channel, he/ she gets notified when a new video is uploaded. If the topic of the video entices the viewers, they may view it, or else, they would skip the video. Subscribing a channel only keeps them informed about a new upload.
1. Call for Action
The YouTubers usually ask the viewers to like, comment, and share the video at the beginning right after greeting, sharing niceties with the viewers, and introducing the topic of the video. Or, they place the request at the end of the video. It is a 'call for action' that aims at a continued engagement with the viewer.
Usually, viewers tend to watch the video and move on without leaving any mark of engagement unless the YouTuber reminds them. Only when you remind them that their support will help the channel to grow and prosper and you will be able to bring out more such videos for them, they will like and subscribe to the channel. That's why every YouTuber asks their viewers to like the video and subscribe to their channel.
Asking for this one favour from your viewers to like, comment, and share the video, and subscribe to your channel also gives you that one moment of one-to-one connection with your viewers. It is one small gesture to let your viewers know that their support means a lot to you and your YouTube channel, and they are as much a part of the growth journey as you are.

2. Increases the Watch Time
Watch time refers to the amount of time spend by the viewers to watch your videos. It is one of the most crucial factors that might make or break your chances of success on YouTube. Subscriptions help to increase the watch time. A subscriber will get notifications for new uploads, and the previously watched videos will also feature on their YouTube page at the same time. And if they have enjoyed watching that video before, there are chances that they would watch it again and again. In this way, the watch time increases.
3. Increases Engagement
Viewers' engagement is crucial for the success of a YouTube channel. Viewers subscribing to a channel give the YouTuber a chance to engage them in a better way. Though getting likes and comments on the videos are also as significant. Yet, getting the viewers to subscribe is like initiating the whole process, and most of all, it marks the beginning of the YouTuber's relationship with the viewers.
Does a Viewer have To Pay Money if they Subscribe?
Not at all. It does not take a dime for the viewer to subscribe to a YouTube channel. All they need to do is just click on the subscribe button. Only a move of the finger is all it takes. And they get tuned in for a consistent supply of fresh video suggestions on their YouTube page while having the privilege to support a budding entrepreneur in the process. Isn't that amazing?
Some Tried and Tested Ways to
1. Create Outcome Oriented Playlist
'Be a problem solver' - Now, this is one statement that you might have heard time and again in all leadership, management, and success related discussions. Everybody is looking for a solution to their problems. Some of them are there on their minds, and the rest, you can remind them. Use titles like the following -
'Make sure that your pancakes do not stick to the base of the frying pan.'
'Here is how I bought my first house before 25.'

2. Put Relevant and Informative Content
Always make sure that the viewers get something substantial from your video. Long videos of over 10 minutes duration have reportedly earned a higher rank on YouTube. However, you have to make sure to be to the point. The content must be crisp, relevant, and well-edited. Only then can you expect your viewers to come back to your channel.
3. Promote Other Videos from Your Channel
Make sure to promote other videos that are relevant to the topic of your current video. Link the video on the screen or in the description to guide your viewers. This way your viewers may be tempted to visit your home page and explore some more videos of their interest.
4. End Screen
Always make sure that the last 10 seconds of your video, technically called the end screen, gives a glimpse of your next video through a thumbnail, and the 'Subscribe' button is also there. Avoid using too many thumbnails because it might create a distraction. Keep it to just two thumbnails and the 'Subscribe' button to make your message clear and to the point.
5. Make an Impressive Home Page
Now imagine, with the verbal request and flashing the 'Subscribe' button repeatedly on the screen, if a viewer clicks on your channel link and visits the homepage of your channel! Wow! You have just moved a level higher in your chance to engage him. Now you have to make sure that nothing goes wrong here. Because in most cases, the first impression is the last impression. So make sure you have the perfect introduction written for your channel using the right keywords and a compelling introductory video to go with it.
6. Reply to the Comments
Replying to each comment testifies to the statement that you speak out while requesting the viewers to subscribe. You say that their support means a lot to you. And by replying to their comments individually, you make a one to one connection with your viewers. It makes them want to come back to your channel again and again.

YouTube has emerged to be one of the most trusted search engines for internet browsers. It has also become a potent source of income and a knowledge-sharing platform for a gamut of YouTubers. Hence, if a viewer has subscribed to a channel that uploads good quality content, he has supported a small business without spending a penny. And the discretion of subscribing to a channel also gives the viewers the power to promote good quality videos or channels on YouTube. It's because each subscription is a mark of validation for a channel. The more subscribers a channel gets, the more it gets testified as a source of high-quality content and is rewarded by YouTube.
Also read:
1) Can a Fitness YouTube Channel Be Successful in India?
2) How to Promote My Business on Youtube?
3) 3 Amazing Ways to Make Money Online in India
4) What are the Challenges of YouTube Money Earning?
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