Table of Contents:
1. Starting A Oil Wholesale Business
2. How To Start A Wholesale Essential Oils Business?
FAQs On Wholesale Essential Oils
1. Starting A Oil Wholesale Business
The essential oil business is both creative and a rewarding endeavour. The demand for essential oils in the market is only growing year on year. The essential oil business is both a profitable and a low-investment business. You can either sell your own essential oils by setting up a company, or you can purchase them from manufactures and resell them directly to customers.
The process of starting an essential oil business is simple. If you have a knack for creativity, it is the perfect wholesale business idea for you. To further build and grow your business, you can create a website to increase your reach. This article explains the step-by-step procedure of starting an essential oil business from scratch.
2. How To Start A Wholesale Essential Oils Business?
The essential oil business is one of the best wholesaler businesses to start in India. Want to know how to become a wholesaler in the essential oil business? Read the steps mentioned below.

1- Create a business plan
The first step is to create a business plan. A business plan will help you move on to the next steps of business. You will need to jot down the investment and financing costs for your business operations. A proper business plan contains details of the company name, logo, investment, operation costs, list of suppliers and wholesalers, machinery and equipment, marketing plans, and other requirements for the business.
2- Choose a name, slogan & Logo of the business
The name plays an essential part for every business. The name of your business represents you and the purpose of your business. You must select a name that is easy to understand by your customers. A slogan of the business must be catchy, simple and concise at the same time. It must describe the speciality of your business and why your essential oils are better than your competitors.
Be consistent with your logo, name and branding. Create a slogan that will blend well with the business name, branding and logo of the business. A logo must describe the target audience of your business and encapsulate what your product offers. For an essential oil business, it could signify a peaceful environment, halo or calming sign engraved in the logo that your target audience can resonate with.
3- Licenses & Permits
The next step is to obtain the required licenses and permits. An essential oil business requires various quality and utility licenses to start the business. You cannot start a business without registration. The standard licenses and permits include registration of the business, drug license, establishment license, etc. You can either apply for licenses online or by physically going to the licensing department of your state.
4. Investment & Capital
The next step is to calculate the start-up costs and capital required for the business. Create an investment plan and expenses to set up the business. A budget will help you focus on the most important aspects of the business. The start-up costs include registration and license fees, legal and operational costs, machinery cost, advertisement cost, inventory cost, website and e-commerce platform costs, etc. You can either take a small loan from the bank or borrow the money from your friends and family to start the business.
5. Operating costs of the business
After calculating the investment and capital required for the business, you need to determine the business’s operational costs. It is vital to create a financial model to calculate the operations costs for every month. The recurring operating cost generally includes supplies, stocks, rent charges, utilities, employee salaries, contingency costs, monthly costs on advertising, etc.
Also read: Essential Oil Manufacturers in India
6. Research the market and competitors
Research plays an essential role in any business. It is imperative to study and research the market trends, what people are interested in buying, their preferences and requirements, etc. You also need to understand the competitor's business. Knowing the market demand will help you decide the pricing of your essential oil business.
Market research will also help you draw inspiration from other companies to identify the missing parts in your business. You can offer good customer service, discounts, and deals better than your competitors to help grow your business faster.
7. Machinery, tools and equipment
The next step is to purchase the machinery and equipment for your business. You will need an essential oil distiller to distil the different kinds of essential oils. You can decide the flowers and leaves needed for your business. Focus on the scents that are in high market demand, like lavender and chamomile.
You can also grow your essential oil ingredients to minimise the production costs of your business. Some of the plants that you can grow easily include mint, oregano, lavender, etc.
8. Create a website
Selling essential oils online is the best way to increase sales and grow your business. You will need to create a website to sell your products online. The website must describe your business activities, goals, and objectives of the business. It will help your customers to understand your business purpose. You can also link your social media channels to increase your reach.
9. Advertising and promotion
The last step is to advertise your business. There are many ways that you can advertise your business. You can hire a marketing company or create a marketing campaign to promote your business. Other than that, you can promote your business using your social media handles, like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. It will be less expensive and easier to reach out to more people.

Key Takeaways
Thus, to conclude, we can say that starting an essential oil business is the best wholesaler and supplier business idea in India. Essential oils are always in high demand. So, it is a perfect opportunity to start an essential oil business. If you don't know how to start an essential oil business, you can refer to the steps mentioned in this article. It will help you understand each step of the business process in detail.
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2) How to become a soft drink retailer? Here's all you need to know
3) 5 Manufacturing Business Ideas for Women Entrepreneurs
4) All about Manufacturing & how it takes place
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FAQs On Wholesale Essential Oils
Q. How much does it cost to start an essential oil business in India?
Ans. Starting an essential oil business in India is affordable. The costs depend on the type of business, small or large. On average, the cost of starting the business ranges between INR 2 lakhs to INR 3 lakhs only. The raw materials cost around INR 1 lakh. If you plan on starting a small-scale business, the costs will be less.
Q. How to become a supplier in the essential oil business?
Ans. You can become a supplier of essential oil by following the steps mentioned below:
- Create a business plan
- Research the market
- Obtain licenses and registration
- Find companies that require essential oils
- Use social media to find target companies and audience
- Supply the products
Q. How can I start the essential oil business without joining Multi-Level marketing (MLM)?
Ans. The steps to start an essential oil business without joining the MLM are as follows:
- Share your favourite essential oils with the affiliate marketing
- Label your essential oils yourself to avoid additional costs
- Buy and resell wholesale essential oils
- Make your own essential oils
- Target people online
- Sell products to the interested parties