Are you looking for information relation to MahaGST online portal? Well, you're on the right page.
GST debuted in mid-2017 to eliminate an array of complicated taxes that were confusing the taxpayers for a long time. GST Bill was first introduced on 1st July 2017. The GST is a single comprehensive indirect tax, levied at every stage of value addition.
Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India bears the flagship of 'One Nation One Tax' agenda of the Indian Government.
What is MahaGST?
MahaGST is a tax administration plus digital (online portal) created to execute GST registrations in the state of Maharashtra along with GST online payments easier for residents and citizens of Maharastra.
The MahaGST portal offers a plethora of services plus features within. Some of the prominent ones are-
- GST Registration
- Tracking a GSTIN
- GST rules & notifications
- GST Circular
- GST News
- GST New updates
- GST New rules
The MahaGST Online Portal is an initiative taken by the Maharashtra Goods and Service Tax Department to digitise the entire GST paying process. It helps the taxpayers in saving more time and keeps the process GST filing and GST registration online hassle-free.
The e-portal features two heavyweight profiles. One is that of the Principal Secretary (Financial Reform) Finance Department is Mr Rajagopal Devara. The other one is that of Mr Sanjeev Kumar (IAS), the Commissioner of State Tax, Maharashtra State.
This online portal enables GST taxpayers to satisfy their queries on GST registration and GST filing online. Digitisation speeds up the process and makes it less complicated for the residents of Maharashtra.

MahaGST Online Portal
This website is run and managed by the Department of Goods and Service Tax, Government of Maharashtra. There are several sub-sections dedicated to different aspects of GST, like Information at a Glance; FAQs, GST e-services, etc. The GST e-services section aims at helping business owners and or accountant with-
- The GST registration process (new GST registration)
- The GST Return Filling
- Conducting GST Rate Search
- Paying GST Online
Other Features that MahaGST offers are-
- GST updates and notifications
- Tax calendar
- Tracking Application Reference Number (ARN), and more
A taxpayer and others can avail of all these useful services and access all important information related to GST virtually. Individuals require to input their login details (user id and password) for enjoying the digital services offered on this e-portal.

MahaGST’s Services
MahaGST Online Portal tries to simplify the GST services, GST tax rates, laws, and processes involved. This helps business owners and accountants properly adhere to the GST compliances. It supports two-way communication virtually via this e-site for achieving the highest level of tax compliance possible.
GST Registration
It helps to ensure GST registration faster, without much hassle. This MahaGST e-portal stands for prompt and efficient e-services served fairly. If you haven't registered your business to any GST number (GSTIN), MahaGST allows you to do it without hassles. The primary objective behind opening such an online portal by the state government of Maharashtra was to administer the Goods and Services Tax (GST) Act uniformly, impartially, and efficiently.
GSTIN Verification
GST Verification is mandatory for all suppliers and vendors, hence, use of fake GST numbers have arisen. Those fake invoices look genuine and have helped people cheat the government. However, what most people don't realise that taxes collected from customers don't go to the government directly, hence, its crucial to verify the GSTIN online whilst ensuring your business credibility & association.
GSTIN Verification makes your business authentic and help you to avoid falling victim to frauds. With the increment of GST number verification, tax manipulation incidents have reduced drastically, tax evasions, and better transparency has developed.
MahaGST Portal allows you to verify the GST number. Just open the official MahaGST website, NAVIGATE to ‘Dealer Services’ tab, then Click on 'Know your GST taxpayer’ and next enter the GSTIN. These initiatives facilitate maximising tax collection by appropriately covering all eligible taxpayers across the state. GST filling online will also become easier for essential documents like GSTR 9, GSTR 7, GSTR 4, GSTR 2, etc.
Know Your TIN
TIN (Temporary Identification Number) is provided when you don't have a GSTIN. To check your transactions on the GST Portal simply click on ‘Know your Taxpayer’, select TIN option, and enter the TIN.
1- Log-in For Essential E-services
You can easily log in for accessing a variety of GST related e-services. You can-
- Log in for learning about VAT and Allied Acts
- It also allows you to do RTO login
- Taxpayers can also apply for an amnesty scheme here
- In case you are a non-TIN holder (not possessing 11 digit TIN), this portal allows you to create your profile under the Amnesty scheme.
2- E-Payment Facilities Provided
On using this Maharashtra Goods and Service Tax Online portal, you can electronically pay:
- Return/Order Dues
- PTEC (Professional Tax Enrolment Certificate) OTPT (One Time Payment of Tax) payments
- Regular payments related to Returns
- Assessment Order advance payment, like payment against statutory order
3- Click on Acts and Rules for Detailed Information
Under this section, anyone can access useful details on GST Acts and Rules (VAT acts, rules, and others are also available). The subsection is further subdivided to offer details on-
- Maharashtra Goods and Services Tax Act (MGST)
- Central Goods and Services Tax Act (CGST)
- Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act (IGST)
- Goods and Services Tax (Compensation to States) Act
- Union Territory Goods and Services Tax Act (UTGST)
Some might find the chapter content of every rule/act amendment quite useful. This GST site is indeed useful, delivering significant GST details.

4- You can Download Billing Software from Here
One can download billing software and essential forms. It also offers e-CST form download. Just input the form serial number in the designated box and enjoy easy download. Paying GST online becomes more accessible with this software. These are some of the major advantages of using the MahaGST online portal for a taxpayer, accountant, or anyone who wishes to cultivate ideas on it.
Brushing up Ideas on GST Rates
GST Applicable Rates as per the Latest Announcements
✅ In the 39th GST Council Meeting, held in March 2020, an announcement was made on GST rates of some goods.

✅ Diesel and Petrol motor vehicles are cheaper now with 1% and 3% GST Cess respectively. Both were rated 15% previously.
MahaGST’s Functions
MahaGST supervises the following acts-
- The Maharashtra Value Added Tax, 2002
- The Maharashtra Purchase Tax on Sugarcane Act, 1962
- Central Sales Tax Act, 1956, Profession Tax Act, 1975
- The Maharashtra Tax on the entry of goods into local area Act, 2002
Some of the other things that came under administration are The Maharashtra Value Added Tax, 2002, which helped in creating a more efficient and transparent system with benefits like- Overall burden rationalisation, Reduction in Prices, More transparency, and increased revenue.
Other taxes monitored via MahaGST include- Profession Tax Act, 1975 & Maharashtra Tax on Entry of Motor Vehicles into local areas Act, 1962.
Key Takeaways
- If your business is officially registered under the GST regime, you are eligible to make GST payments online using this portal.
- If you're a legitimate taxpayer of Maharashtra state, upgrade your MahaGST online portal profile for the same.
- The reason for creating MahaGST separately was due to a settlement scheme announced and currently supervised by Maharashtra Goods and Service Tax Department.
We hope our article turned out to be useful for you. For more such informative content, you can visit these linked articles as well: | ||
GST on Mobile Phones | GST rates on Medicines | GST on Small Retailers |
GST on Food items | GST on Real Estate | GST on the logistics sector |
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Q. How can I avail of GST e-services?
Ans- You can go on the official website and Click “GST e-services” on the left Tile of the Home page.
Q. Can I view the MAHAGST website in English?
Ans- Yes. By clicking “English” at the top of the Home page or by entering the URL
Q. How Can I file e-returns for the periods before 01-04-2016?
Option 1:- Go to and log in with your existing user id and password for mahavat for legacy dealers
Option 2:- Click “Log in for VAT e-services” on the left Tile of the Home page, enter login ID TIN and password and then click “Old e-Services” on Dealer launch Pad/Dealer Homepage.
Q. Can I enter the email ID and password of the consultant?
Ans- No, the correct e-mail ID and mobile number of the taxpayer is required.
Q. Whether Mahavat and Mahagst both website will be operative after 26th December 2017?
Ans- Yes. Let us look at the division and segregation table below:
- Starting from 26/12/2017 MGSTD would have 2 portals, for old e-Services, and for all New Automation/SAP related e-Services
- Prior period return filing, prior period e-CST and audit reports for 16/17, and earlier periods along with CDA shall be available on
- Legacy dealers will continue to access the old e-services on
- SAP registered dealers will be able to file e-704 for FY 2016-2017 using the old portal
- e-Payments for all the periods including Prior periods, e-CST and e-Returns for FY 2016-2017 onwards shall be available on
New Changes applicable from 2017
- All SAP registered dealers and legacy dealers who have already created their profile on the website will be able to freely access it.
- The SAP system will continue to access the new e-services on the new portal
- Legacy dealers (not registered on SAP) will have to register on for using New Automation/SAP e-services.
- All static contents and all the features of the web site shall be available and be updated on the new Portal as well as
Q. How can I avail VAT e-services on the new Website?
Ans- Click “Log in for VAT e-services” on the left Tile of the Home page and enter your credentials if you are registered on or after 25th May 2016.
Q. Why GST is called a multi-stage tax and do we as customers pay it all?
- Goods and Service Tax or GST is an indirect tax applied at every stage of the supply chain until it reaches the consumer finally.
- There are multiple stages involved in this, which are Raw material procuring.
- Using the raw items for producing finished goods/services, Warehouse storage, Selling to the wholesalers, Wholesalers selling them to retailers, and finally, retailers selling these to the end-users.
- Tax is levied at all these stages that a customer also pays indirectly while buying the item.
- For customers, it is a one-time payment (the price).
- GST on real estate also is multi-stage.
Q. What is the latest GST rate on mobile handsets?
- At the 39th GST Council meeting scheduled this year, we came to know that the GST rate on all mobile phones will be 18% now.
- Calculating GST as per the rates reveals how the final market price now has skyrocketed.
- Previously, it was 12%. A few specified mobile phone parts/accessories also have the same GST rate now.
Q. How Do I Log In to MahaGST?
Step 1- Open the website-
Step 2- Navigate to Create New Profile System
Step 3- Fill in the required information and verify your contact details
Step 4- Your profile is registered and active for usage